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趣题之家文理综合政治历史 → 原来中国政府并未得到梵蒂冈的承认(新教皇当选)

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发贴心情 原来中国政府并未得到梵蒂冈的承认(新教皇当选)


Caveat in China's congratulationsCalls for Vatican to end Taiwan relations

BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- China, which does not recognize the Vatican, congratulated Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on Wednesday on his election as pope, but called on the Holy See to cut relations with Taiwan.

Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian attended this month's funeral of Pope John Paul II, undermining chances of the Holy See switching ties from Taiwan to China.

"We express our congratulations to Joseph Ratzinger on being selected Pope on April 20," China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"We are willing to improve relations between China and the Vatican on the basis of two principles -- one is the Vatican must suspend its foreign relations with Taiwan ... two, the Vatican cannot interfere with our internal politics, including not interfering with internal matters for religious reasons."

China, which views Taiwan as a renegade province and has threatened to use force to prevent the island declaring independence, forces its Catholics to belong to state-backed patriotic associations if they want to worship openly.

The Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops' Conference also passed their best wishes to the new Pope but made no mention of Taiwan.

"With joy and happiness in the Risen Christ, we offer to you our hearty congratulations," the organisations said in a statement quoted by Xinhua news agency.

发贴IP已设置保密 2005-04-21 21:12

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